Unsolved Murders

Harry Mabey

Age: 21

Sex: male

Date: 9 Oct 1924

Place: Albany Road, Southampton

The mummified remains of Harry Mabey were found in a sea chest at a house in Southampton.

His 56-year-old mother admitted that they were his remains and that he died 15 years earlier, when he was 21.

An open verdict was returned.

The chest was found in the backyard of the house in Albany Road.

In her statement, the mother said:

The police have found the body of my eldest son in an old sea chest in the shed in the backyard. I put him there nearly 15 years ago. I went to my son's bedroom and found him dead on the floor. I afterwards got the sea chest and put my son into it. My husband stood by me while I did it.

I afterwards nailed the box down and let it stay in the room for about seven years. I used to go into the room and keep it clean and tidy. We moved to Albany Road, taking the sea chest with us on a barrow, my husband and I pushing the barrow together.

The chest stood outside the back door for about seven years. Then I thought the wet would get through and moved the chest into the shed, were it has been ever since. I was a good mother to him and always did my best for him.

A police detective said that Harry Mabey's mother also said:

I did it to shield others. It cannot be said I neglected him, because I looked after him for 21 years. I did not attempt to get rid of the body. I loved him.

*map pointers are rough estimates based on known location details as per Place field above.

see www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk

see Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail - Thursday 09 October 1924