Age: 41
Sex: male
Date: 30 Jan 1927
Place: Sheffield Canal, Sheffield
Thomas Piggott was found dead in the Sheffield Canal on 30 January 1927.
His wife said that he had been a healthy man and on 25 January 1927 that he had gone out for a walk with the dog. She said that she thought that he had later gone to see his sister but that when he had not returned by 10pm that she became worried and informed the police.
She said that Thomas Piggott had lost his father two years earlier and that she herself had not long recovered from an operation although she added that she didn't think that that had anything to do with Thomas Piggott's death.
At the inquest the Coroner said that he thought that his wife 'knew more about the matter than she would say'.
An open verdict was returned.
Thomas Piggott had been a rod maker and had lived in Milton Street, Sheffield.
see Sheffield Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 02 February 1927