Age: 47
Sex: male
Date: 5 Dec 2019
Place: Consett
David Cameron died after being assaulted in the street.
He was punched by a 14-year-old boy and fell and hit his head.
However, the boy said that it was an accident after David Cameron approached him in a threatening way and shoved him.
It was heard that David Cameron had been out to the Company Row pub in Consett on 5 December 2019 to watch a Newcastle United match on the TV with his stepdaughter.
When they went home David Cameron had needed help to walk and his stepdaughter asked four boys to help him and one of them did. However, it was heard that the boy that had hit him had later asked his friend to hurry up which it was said David Cameron had taken exception to and pushed the boy in the chest and said, 'howay then big man', after which the boy said he hit David Cameron and ran off.
David Cameron was later found in the street near to his house by his wife.
At his inquest the Coroner ruled out unlawful killing, accidental death and misadventure. He then returned a narrative verdict, stating, 'This was a death which resulted from a single punch which caused a fatal injury'.
When the boy gave evidence at the inquest, he said that he had been walking ahead of his friend and that he had told him to hurry up, but said that David Cameron became aggressive and he began walking towards him.
He said, 'He shouted 'howay then big man'. I was trying to get past him but he kept putting his hands out. He came up to us and pushed us and I didn't say anything at all. He pushed us again and said 'howay big man' and I just hit him'.
He said that he struck him with his right fist and then immediately ran away.
He said, 'It was just fast, I don't really remember what I was doing. As soon as I hit him I ran away. I thought he was just going to get back up and run after us. I just hit him and ran. My adrenaline was rushing when he pushed us and I didn't know what to do. I was expecting him to have a fight with us. Saying 'howay big man' is pretty much asking for it'.
When the boy was asked by the Coroner why he didn't just run away before he hit David Cameron, the boy said that he was scared of David Cameron's intentions.
He said, 'I could have turned around, but I never knew what he was going to do to us. He could have hit me, he could have done anything to me. He did the first move so I did the second move. When he's in my face and he's pushed us I have done something because I was scared he was going to do something to me'.
He told the police that he had acted in self-defence and said, 'He egged us on and pushed us. He was shouting at us from the top of the street and was still shouting at us and pushed us. He got canny angry even though I wasn't speaking to him. I was shocked and scared. I didn't know what he was going to do'.
The inquest heard that after David Cameron was hit that he fell and hit his head and suffered a bleed on the brain and went into cardiorespiratory arrest. He was pronounced dead at the scene by the emergency responders.
He was noted as having been four times over the drink drive limit but it was noted that the alcohol was not a contributory factor in his death.
Although the boy was initially arrested on suspicion of murder, the Crown Prosecution Service later said that there was no realistic prospect of conviction based upon the evidential test that was required before someone was charged with a criminal offence.
see Chronicle Live