Age: 32
Sex: female
Date: 8 Jul 1943
Place: 4 Linden Passage, Linden Gardens, Chiswick
Ellen Rosa May Sharp died following an illegal operation on 8 July 1943.
She was taken to the West Middlesex Hospital where she died, her death being due to toxaemia and haemorrhage following a septic abortion brought about by an instrument used by some person or persons unknown.
It was also stated at her inquest that the circumstances surrounding her death were not fully disclosed by the evidence and an open verdict was returned.
At the first hearing of her inquest on 16 July 1943, it was heard that there were signs that Ellen Sharp had definitely been interfered with and that any interference with a woman to produce abortion was a criminal offence and that if a person was killed as a result of that criminal action then it was a matter of murder.
Ellen Sharp lived with her mother in Chiswick.
see Middlesex Chronicle - Saturday 24 July 1943
see Kensington Post - Saturday 17 July 1943