Age: 32
Sex: male
Date: 27 Dec 2016
Place: Adelaide Street, Trafalgar Square, London
Jermaine Brown was stabbed to death in Trafalgar Square just behind St Martins-in-the-Fields church.
He was found collapsed on the pavement at 7.16am on the morning of 27 December 2016 and paramedics were called, but he was pronounced dead at the scene at 8.27pm. He died from a stab wound to the arm.
Two youths were tried for his murder but acquitted.
One of the youths tried for murder said that Jermaine Brown had been behaving aggressively towards him and other people and that he only stabbed him to scare him in self-defence, saying that he wasn't trying to kill him or cause him serious harm.
At the trial at the Old Bailey the prosecution claimed that the two youths tried, both aged 19, who were drug dealers, had got into a row with Jermaine Brown over the supply of some spice drug that he had not paid for and that they had attacked him.
They were all homeless at the time and living in the Charing Cross area.
Jermaine Brown was originally from Birmingham and was known as a street preacher and had come down from Birmingham to London shortly before Christmas.
The court heard that a witness saw the two youths and Jermaine Brown arguing in Brydges Place in the early hours of the morning, saying that it appeared that Jermaine Brown had handed the two youths some money to buy spice, also known as Zombie drug, but that they hadn't given him any. The witness said that it appeared that Jermaine Brown already owed them some money. It was said that whatever the cause of it all, it ended up in a violent confrontation and that the two youths had chased Jermaine Brown out of Brydges Place and then attacked him.
The prosecution said, 'Jermaine Brown cried for help but one of the youths', encouraged and assisted by the other, continued the attack. Jermaine Brown ran past a parked police van as he fled the scene. He was bleeding heavily, and blood was splattered across the police van, before he collapsed'.
The court heard that one of the youths' admitted selling the drug Spice to the homeless people near Charing Cross, but denied stabbing Jermaine Brown with intent to seriously harm him and said that he had acted in self-defence as Jermaine Brown had been behaving aggressively towards him and other homeless people and said that he was only trying to scare him.
The two youths were acquitted of murder and manslaughter, but the youth that had had the knife was convicted for possessing a knife and possession of class B drugs with intent to supply and sentenced to 31 months detention.
Jermaine Brown was also known as Gus.