Age: unknown
Sex: male
Date: 3 Feb 1902
Place: Manchester Road, Mossley
John Beaumont was taken to Ashton Infirmary a few minutes before midnight on the Monday night unconscious. He had a slight swelling over his right ear towards the temple and died a few hours later.
He was seen to enter a house with two women who were drunk and were heard to be quarrelling and pulling each other about.
A witness said that he stood in the street and that one of the women opened a window up and threw a pop bottle at him. He said that the quarrelling continued and he went inside into one of the lower rooms and heard someone say 'Get out of this house'. He said that the quarrelling continued up until about 10 minutes later when he heard John Beaumont tumble down the stairs and when he went to the door he saw John Beaumont lying at the bottom of the stairs with his head against the wall. He said then that the two women came down the stairs, stepped over John Beaumont's body and went outside and that a short while later they came back.
The man said that when John Beaumont was picked up he complained of having been robbed.
The man said that the women had been in the house for about an hour or so before John Beaumont had fallen down the stairs and that they had been quarrelling for all that time. He said that when one of the women returned John Beaumont was still lying on the floor and that she said, 'Shift him out of the road or I will punch him'.
A shoemaker who had helped lift John Beaumont into a chair said that all John Beaumont said was that he had been robbed.
The two women were sent to the Manchester Assizes charged with the manslaughter of John Beaumont but the Grand Jury threw out the bill against them and they were discharged.
see Preston Herald - Wednesday 09 April 1902
see Unsolved 1902