Unsolved Murders


Age: 0

Sex: female

Date: 23 Jan 1921

Place: Bradstone Avenue

The body of a newly-born child was found in a parcel in the Corporation's yard on Bradstone Avenue.

A policeman was informed on 23 January 1921 that there was a parcel lying in the Corporation's stone yard on Bradstone Avenue, just inside the fence. From it's position it was said that it could have easily been thrown into the yard over the fence to the place where it was found lying.

When the policeman took it to the police station and opened it he said that he found that it contained the body of a newly-born female child.

It had been wrapped up in brown paper and tied up with string. It was noted that there were no marks on the paper whatsoever.

It was noted that the package was quite dry even thought it had rained on the Friday night.

It was noted that the parcel was about 40 yards from the viaduct and was thought that it was hardly likely that it had been thrown from the top by someone in a passing train.

A doctor said that the child weighed 8lbs and was considerably decomposed and had been dead for at least a week. He said that there were no outward signs of violence but that there was blood under the scalp and the brain which could have been caused by a fall on the head.

The Coroner said that the child had died from injuries to the head but that there was no evidence to show how they were caused.

see www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk

see Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate & Cheriton Herald - Saturday 29 January 1921