Unsolved Murders


Age: 0

Sex: male

Date: 26 Apr 1918

Place: River Cam, Baits Bite Lock, Milton

The body of a male child was found in the River Cam at Milton.

The body was found by the lock-keeper at Baits Bite Lock who saw it floating through the lock at 5.30pm on the Saturday.

The lock-keeper went to get a policeman who took the body, which was naked, out of the water and back to his house where it was examined. He said that it was a male child and very decomposed and that in his opinion it had been in the water for a month or six weeks. There was nothing tied around its neck.

A doctor carried out a post-mortem and found no external marks of violence and said that all the internal organs seemed healthy and that the child was fully developed. The stomach was empty. He said that in his opinion the child was dead before it was placed in the water and had been in the water for 2-3 weeks.

*map pointers are rough estimates based on known location details as per Place field above.

see www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk

see Cambridge Independent Press - Friday 26 April 1918