Age: 28
Sex: male
Date: 6 Dec 1913
Place: Boscastle, North Cornwall
MT Willett was found dead in his night attire at the bottom of a hotel window.
It was thought that he might have fallen out while sleep walking.
He had been a Lieutenant in the No. 107 Company, RGA, stationed at Fort Efford in Plymouth.
He was said to have been of a cheerful disposition and one of the last men likely to commit suicide. He had had breakfast the previous Monday with another man and gone out with the hounds.
He had been involved with horse classification for the War Office and for that purpose could make his headquarters where he liked and moved around the country districts.
He was found dead early on the Thursday morning, cold and still in his night attire.
He had died from a fractured skull and had a dislocated neck.
see Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser - Saturday 06 December 1913
see Lincolnshire Echo - Saturday 06 December 1913
see The Scotsman - Saturday 06 December 1913