Unsolved Murders


Age: 0

Sex: male

Date: 9 Mar 1910

Place: Bournemouth Sands

The body of a new born child was found on the Bournemouth Sands.

The body was found by a man that had been walking from the pier towards the East Cliff about 50 yards from the lift close to the high water mark. It was dry and lying on the sands six feet from the sea wall.

The policeman who was called to the spot found that the baby had a cord tied tightly round its neck and a slight discolouring on the right side of the jaw.

The doctor who carried out the post mortem said that the baby was 21 inches long and weighed nearly 7 pounds and was fully mature.

When he first saw the child he noticed slight rigor mortis and considered the child had been dead for between 12-40 hours and probably born on the Monday or early Tuesday and had received no attention at birth.

Around its neck they found a piece of string tied tightly in a single slip bow causing a deep grove in the skin of the neck on the right of which above the cord was deep congestion. It was said that the cord had been applied while the child was alive otherwise there wouldn't have been any contusion.

It was thought that the cause of death had been strangulation.

*map pointers are rough estimates based on known location details as per Place field above.

see www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk

see Western Gazette - Friday 18 March 1910