Unsolved Murders

Paul James Kelly

Age: 32

Sex: male

Date: 1 Jan 2007

Place: Longacre Tavern, London Road, Bath

Paul James Kelly was stabbed to death in a fight outside the Longacre Tavern.

He had been in the pub for New Year's eve after which a fight broke out. The fight went out into the street and Paul Kelly was stabbed in an alley nearby. The fight was witnessed by twenty people but no one was able to provide any clues as to who had stabbed him. The police said that there was a wall of silence.

A man was charged with his murder in 2008 but acquitted. The court heard that the witnesses that were said to have seen the man kicking Paul Kelly were unreliable. Poems branding the man a killer had been displayed on lampposts and bus stops.

Paul Kelly was seen to be hit on the head with a mobile phone and then struck in the stomach which caused him to fall and hit his head on a concrete bollard. He was then kicked as he lay on the ground.

*map pointers are rough estimates based on known location details as per Place field above.